Fabiana Clemente
Fabiana Clemente Chief Data Scientist YData Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=ctEHnGz-Ueo%3Fsi%3DYL8FjKzr7FgzLI8z Slides Presentation Title: Missing data A synthetic data approach for missing data imputation Presentation Summary: Missing data imputation is one of the most challenging tasks. Depending on the context it can even lead to introduction of biases in our training set. Get Recap Videos
Igor Markov
Igor Markov Research Scientist Meta Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y-ffG_Tu3do%3Fsi%3D7Ju33R5Lu5KSX2a5 Slides Presentation Title: Current Limitations of Generative AI Presentation Summary: Generative AI for text, images and other data types raised excitement, hopes and company valuations. Making good use of this momentum requires understanding pitfalls and limitations of the technology. Therefore, we review prominent limitations and discuss if/how […]
Nazneen Rajani
Nazneen Rajani Research Lead Hugging Face Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=8XcRxDCzN7c%3Fsi%3D7byrP4pgHK4Mrf77 Slides Presentation Title: Taming the Wild West of LLMs Presentation Summary: Large language models (LLMs) have changed the AI landscape in recent months. The pace of innovation in AI has been unprecedented and unlike any other field of science. This fast-paced progress has been possible mainly […]
Etienne Dilocker
Etienne Dilocker CTOWeaviate Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=KT2RFMTJKGs%3Fsi%3DKzRuI8VaE9f7xbJI Slides Presentation Title: Solving multi-tenancy in vector search requires a paradigm shift Presentation Summary: Vector-based retrieval has become a foundation piece of generative AI. From an engineering perspective vector search differs from traditional search which led to the uprising of new vector-native databases and vector search integrations into existing […]
Alex Cui
Any developer who is trying to build a platform for authentic human content is under threat from the capabilities enabled by ChatGPT, and other text generation services. Whether it’s education, applications, hiring, reviews, publishing, email, or social media, we are now dealing with actors who can distribute convincing, unique, and factually-unchecked content at scale.
Jeff Boudier
Jeff Boudier Product Director Hugging Face Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=c48skkWNARg%3Fsi%3D9zWdP9AdVjsd0UYd Slides Presentation Title: Building LLM and Generative AI applications with open source and Hugging Face Presentation Summary: In this presentation, Jeff Boudier will walk you through the latest open source models and libraries you can use to build LLM and Generative AI applications using your own […]
Sarah Wooders
Sarah Wooders PhD Skyplane Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=EXC25u_qJqY%3Fsi%3DTugnfTzbHaZebSpR Slides Presentation Title: Skyplane Fast and Cheap Data Sharing across the Cloud(s) Presentation Summary: We present Skyplane, an open-source project from UC Berkeley for blazing fast object store transfers within and between clouds. Skyplane is faster and lower-cost than existing data transfer systems with universal support across clouds. […]
Mia Garrard
ML platforms help enable intelligent data-driven applications and maintain them with limited engineering effort. Upon sufficiently broad adoption, such platforms reach economies of scale that bring greater component reuse while improving efficiency of system development and maintenance. For an end-to-end ML platform with broad adoption, scaling relies on pervasive ML automation and system integration to reach the quality we term self-serve; a quality we define with ten requirements and six optional capabilities.
Peter Norvig
Recently, Large Language Models have shown a strong ability to generate working code. This talk explores what this means for the future of programmers, programming languages, and the software industry.
Harrison Chase
Harrison Chase Co-Founder and CEO Langchain Conference Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=q3RGQ0_yJEk%3Fsi%3DiZ3vR0_Si5IX0xqX Slides Presentation Title: Building reliable LLM applicationswith LangChain and LangSmith Presentation Summary: It’s become easier and easier to build a prototype for an LLM application – with LangChain you can do it in ~5 lines of code. But going from prototype to production is much more […]