
Dr. Waleed Kadous

anyscale will be at The AI Conference this fall!
Chief Scientist

Presentation Title:

LLMs in Production
Learning from Experience

Presentation Summary:

Atom icon for The AI Conference 2023, a groundbreaking two-day event on AGI, LLMs, Infrastructure, Alignment, AI Startups, and Neural Architectures.

At Anyscale, we’ve been leaders in helping customers deploy LLMs in production either directly or through the open source project Aviary

Brain icon for The AI Conference 2023, a groundbreaking two-day event on AGI, LLMs, Infrastructure, Alignment, AI Startups, and Neural Architectures.

Through that process we’ve learned a set of key lessons that we want to share with the rest of the industry so they don’t have to learn the same painful lessons we have the hard way.

About | Dr. Waleed Kadous

Dr. Waleed Kadous is Chief Scientist at Anyscale, the company behind the popular open source distributed computing platform Ray. He leads the company’s LLM efforts. Prior to Anyscale, Waleed worked at Uber, where he led overall system architecture, evangelized machine learning, and led the Location and Maps teams. He previously worked at Google, where he founded the Android Location and Sensing team, responsible for the “blue dot” as well as ML algorithms underlying products like Google Fit. He also holds more than 40 patents.