
Roger Chen

Hear more from Roger Chen at The AI Conference 2024!
Cosigned logo for The Ai Conference 2023
Co-Founder and CEO


Startup Showdown


Atom icon for The AI Conference 2023, a groundbreaking two-day event on AGI, LLMs, Infrastructure, Alignment, AI Startups, and Neural Architectures.The Startup Showdown will be judged by Amy Wu of Menlo Ventures and Tomasz Tunguz of Theory Ventures, and moderated by Roger Chen of Cosigned, ensuring your work is seen by those who can truly help propel your business forward, and give you valuable and immediate feedback.

2023 Conference Video

2023 Panel Discussion Moderator

Venture Capital Panel:

Tired, Wired, Hired — VCs on AI

Atom icon for The AI Conference 2023, a groundbreaking two-day event on AGI, LLMs, Infrastructure, Alignment, AI Startups, and Neural Architectures.With all the attention and funding that AI startups have received recently, is anything starting to feel overplayed? What aren’t we talking enough about instead? And what job opportunities will grow in the coming years? Leading VCs Amy Wu, Jake Saper, and Assaf Araki will share their contrarian and forward-looking views on how AI will reshape industry, from consumer markets to enterprise and infrastructure applications.

About | Roger Chen

Roger Chen is the co-founder and CEO of Cosigned, a platform for funding and collaborating on creative ventures. He previously founded Computable, a data and AI model marketplace, and served as a program chair for the O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference. In addition to starting companies, Roger has also invested in numerous startups as an angel investor and VC at O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures (OATV). Originally trained as a research scientist and engineer, Roger earned his PhD from UC Berkeley while tinkering with photons and nanomaterials at the smallest scales.

Prior to joining Silverton in 2017, Roger was a Principal at Genacast Ventures in New York, a boutique seed-stage venture capital firm affiliated with Comcast Ventures focused on B2B software investing. While at Genacast, he was involved with investments in BigID, DrayNow, and Uptycs.

Before his investing career, Roger worked as an engineer turned PM at Google in Mountain View where he led various initiatives within Google Maps and Chrome. Roger studied computer science and mathematics at the University of Michigan and holds an MBA from The Wharton School.